Degree – Master of Science in Applied Science and Technology, MS
Concentration: Computer Systems and Network Technology

Description of Program

计算机系统和网络技术应用科学与技术理学硕士学位课程侧重于计算机网络和管理,并提供信息技术实施和管理方面的高级研究. 该计划的内容还侧重于设计中使用的先进技术的硬件和软件经验, implementation, administration, monitoring, optimization, 以及工业数据通信和计算机网络系统的维护.

Learning Outcomes

  • 掌握相关知识,理解和沟通工程相关/适当研究工作的数学基础, technology, and physical sciences
  • Effectively use modeling tools/software tools, and implement algorithms on appropriate platforms such as math lab, C++, etc.
  • Use project management tools effectively
  • Write a technical report that meets advance program standards

Admission Requirements:

申请应用科学与技术理学硕士的学生需要提交入学申请, Apply Online (

  • Two letters of recommendation
  • Resume
  • Career Goal Statement
  • 认可学校的正式成绩单(如果学生就读于不止一所学校), transcripts must be submitted from all schools attended). 至少一份成绩单必须证明学生拥有学士学位. 一些院系有学生入学必须满足的额外要求.
  • Immunization Record

只有在收到部门录取委员会的所有证书后才能做出决定. The entire application packet, including all supporting materials, must be submitted to the Graduate School. 官方考试成绩必须由美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)提交,并且不得超过5年, official transcripts from the sending school, 由认可的证书评估机构进行的证书评估(国际学生).

Standardized Test:

研究生入学考试(GRE)普通考试是申请应用科学与技术硕士学位所需的官方标准化考试. WAIVED

Degree Requirements:

应用科学与技术理学硕士的课程要求完成36个学分的课程,并完成一篇论文或非论文项目. 完成学位所需的论文或非论文的口头答辩. Students complete 12 hours of required core credits, 6 hours of research course credits, and 18 hours of restricted electives.

Graduation expectations require the following:

  • 必须在pg电子游戏试玩完成至少30个学分的研究生指导
  • Earn no more than two Cs in coursework
  • Write an acceptable thesis or non-thesis and defend it orally
  • 大学接受的所有转学分的正式成绩单

学术顾问可以接受在认可的大学获得的最多六个学期的学分,并且研究生课程的成绩为“B”或更高. 如果替代课程符合课程要求,则允许在顾问和部门管理员的批准下替代课程作业,最长可达9小时.

See Transfer of Credits Policy for additional information.
See the Substitution of Courses Policy for additional information.

Academic Track: Thesis and Non-Thesis

论文轨道需要一个已被彻底研究过的感兴趣的主题的学术手稿. 学生在研究生院研究员的指导下完成一篇代表高级研究员的五章论文. 非论文轨道是一个研究项目,包括一个感兴趣的主题的三章提案. 它还由学生所在学科的大学研究人员指导.

Master Degree Audit:

Before candidacy for graduation can be confirmed, 每个学生完成学位的进度都将被评估,以确定学生是否满足了课程作业和学生学习课程的其他方面的所有学术要求以及研究生院的要求. 当满足这些要求时,学生就可以毕业了.

Time to Degree Completion

pg电子下载的学位完成时间政策允许6年完成计算机系统和网络技术计划. 学位的完成取决于学生完成课程的速度. If the time exceeds six years, 学生必须请求研究生院考虑延长完成学位的时间.

See the Student Academic Appeals Policy for Expiration of Timeline for additional requirements

Degree Plan and Course Sequence

Thesis & Non-Thesis Plan
Core Courses (12 Hours)
ST 510 Research Methods in AS&T
ST 512 Mathematics for AS&T
ST 514 Computation in AS&T
ST 516 Project Management

Thesis Plan (6 Hours)
ST 610A Thesis A
ST 610B Thesis B

Non-Thesis Plan (6 Hours)
ST 599 Special Topics in Applied Science and Technology
ST 615 Project

Restricted Electives
ST 580 Information Security Management
ST 581 Network Management Technology
ST 582 Network Security
ST 583 Information Infrastructure Design
ST 584 Enterprise Web Development
ST 585 Distributed Systems & Cloud Computing
ST 586 Data Science and Big Data Analytics
ST 587 Information Storage and Management
ST 588 Cloud Infrastructure and Services
ST 5/6 Approved Electives (2)

For More Information Contact:
Dr. Jermiah Billa ▪ 601.877.6484 ▪ [email protected] (Department of Advanced Technologies)
Dr. Steve Adzanu
▪ 601.877.2346 ▪ [email protected] (Department of Advanced Technologies)