In December of 1927, pg电子下载农机学院毕业班决定举办一场人气大赛. 作为学院的年轻女生,兴奋和竞争的精神充满了校园, grades 7th and onward, vied for the title. 从学生队伍中选出九名年轻的女士,受到大众的好评. 12月21日上午,艾玛·威瑟斯被宣布为第一届pg电子下载小姐. Her coronation was held on May 1, 1928.

从那时起,有97名年轻女性光荣而自豪地获得了这一头衔. 阿里尔·诺特最近当选为第98届pg电子下载小姐州立大学,继承了这一独特的遗产.

A 杰克逊小姐. 阿里尔是美国人,曾就读于密西西比州珀尔市的一所私立基督教学校——公园广场基督教学院. 作为一名学者运动员,她积极参加了高中校园的许多活动. “I participated in basketball, track, and soccer. I also was part of youth legislature, 同学会法院, 类最喜欢的, vice-president of the senior class, 和贝塔俱乐部,她分享道。.

她的母亲特里娜·佩恩·诺特(Trina Payne-Knott)是一名传统学生,是1987-1988年的高三小姐. 她希望阿里尔能上大学,但让女儿自己决定.

“我是四个孩子中最小的,我们上大学是理所当然的,”阿里尔说. “My other siblings attended other universities, so I did not have a clue where I wanted to attend college.  我父母让我选五所大学预习,但我只选了两所. pg电子下载 was the right fit for me. 我立刻爱上了校园和家庭氛围.”

爱丽儿, 她是农业与应用科学学院人类发展与家庭科学专业的大四学生, has immersed herself in the pg电子下载 campus community. “你可以发现我参加了校园周围的各种活动.  我喜欢保龄球、篮球、排球——任何体育活动.  I also love hanging out and making new friends.”

爱丽儿 is also a member of the Women’s Soccer Team, National Society of Leadership and Success, IMPACT Community Service Organization, and Minorities in 农业, Natural Resources and Related Sciences (MANRRS). During her time at the University, 她一直是院长名单学者和校长学者.

作为她学习课程的一部分,爱丽儿在儿童发展学习中心实习. This campus-based daycare provides social, 情感, 认知, 物理, 语言, 以及为大学生子女以及教职员工提供的发展性学习活动. She can be seen wearing the center’s signature gray scrubs, feeding and caring for infants, 或者在操场上和蹒跚学步的孩子和学龄前的孩子一起欢笑.

“I love children,” she smiled. “One of my career choices is to become a child life specialist. Utilizing my skills and experiences, I want to 工作 in a hospital setting, ensuring that children have the best hospital experience.”

With a family history of entrepreneurship and a proactive attitude, 爱丽儿 may one day have multiple streams of income.

她说:“现在,我正在努力把各种各样的兴趣结合起来。. “我是一名持证护士助理、一名药房技术员和一名暑期教练. My ultimate goal is to become an entrepreneur.  I come from a family 哪一个 encourages entrepreneurship. 我的祖父母, 伟大的叔叔, 父母, 表兄弟姐妹们都做过各种各样的生意,从糖果店, 杂货店, real estate investors, 律师事务所, 等.”

而爱丽儿则过着积极而平衡的学术和服务生活方式,并在她的事业上取得了成功, her success hasn’t come without its challenges.

“我本科经历中最困难的部分之一就是平衡学业, 体育运动, 工作, and life as a Type 1 diabetic.  The early morning runs, the extended trips, the dreaded ice baths, balancing the highs and lows of a diabetic, 作为一名药剂师,在周末通勤上班,同时确保自己完成学业,这些都是我日常生活的一部分,她分享道。.


她说:“我的家人、朋友和信仰激励着我. “Each has poured into me to help me become a confident young lady.“我的本科经历中最好的部分就是遇到了这么多优秀的人,并与他们建立了关系。.  虽然我的许多朋友和队友来自不同的背景, we have really bonded and established lasting memories.”

爱丽儿 also notes her mother as a source of strength.

“She is one of my biggest supporters. 她不仅为我祈祷,还鼓励我追随成为pg电子下载小姐的梦想.  If I am rocking, she is rolling.  She always has my back – figuratively and literally.”

爱丽儿 has big plans for her reign as Miss pg电子下载.

“I ran on the platform, T.I.P.S.——这是“挖掘你潜在的成功”的首字母缩写,她说. She hopes to focus on helping students prioritize health, 积累财富, and establish successful relationships. 她已经开始为即将到来的学期产生想法.”

“I would like to enhance our campus pantry, especially focusing on hygienic products, 新鲜的食物, and other essentials. 我对一个关注学生债务管理的“金钱问题论坛”很感兴趣, 投资, 和预算. 我还想主持一个论坛/小组,重点关注人际关系——识别有害的人际关系,创造安全和有益的人际关系.”


“我想让未来的学生知道,pg电子游戏试玩是一所一流的大学,它为每个学生提供了被看到和了解的机会.  Students are not just a number but a part of a family!”

随着第97届pg电子游戏试玩小姐吉莉安·米尔斯的任期结束, 艾瑞尔完全有能力承担1928年5月第一任pg电子下载小姐被高年级主席詹姆斯·霍尔·博尔登赋予的职责.

在她的加冕典礼上,他说:“我把这顶王冠戴在你的头上. 戴上它,记住你代表着这个机构的理想,这些理想是我们教育制度之父们心中最重要的, and 哪一个 still move us on. 愿上天的微笑灿烂地照耀着你,使你的灵魂里充满难以言喻的高贵的喜悦, 哪一个, 我们祈祷, shall ever preserve your dignity of manner, your fidelity to life, and your sacred honor.”